Greetings from Aro Ling Cardiff!
We hope that you are enjoying the arrival of spring and all the sensory delights it offers.
The Tuesday evening meditation group continues as usual, 7 – 8:30. Please see details below. Please note that there will not be a meeting on 23rd April. Unfortunately, due to personal retreats, there is no one available to be at Aro Ling to host the meditation session on that day. We hope to welcome you on the following week, 30th April.
Aro Ling Cardiff is hosting an Interfaith event in May as part of the ‘Faiths in Focus’ series of the Interfaith Council for Wales (poster above). Please book your ticket.
The next Saturday Espresso Retreat will be on June 8th – please see the schedule for the day below. All are welcome.
Hope to see you soon.
All best wishes,
Nor’dzin and ’ö-Dzin
2019 schedule
Tuesdays – Meditation Group
7 – 8:30: cushions and chairs provided, disabled access, a donation is requested
7 – 8: yogic song and silent meditation; 8 – 8:30 refreshments and chat
Saturday 8th June – Espresso Retreat
Come for the whole day’s activities, or just for a little as preferred.
A donation is requested
9:30 – 10:30 yogic song and meditation
10:30 –11:00 refreshments
11:00 – 12:30 Vajrayana study – study and discussion of topics of Vajrayana Buddhism
13:00 – 14:00 lunch break – please bring a packed lunch
14:00 – 16:00 Tantric crafts, please bring your own project to work on, or contact Nor’dzin to discuss what you might like to do in this session
16:00 onwards – apprentices of the Aro gTér Lineage only: riwo sang-chö practice, tsog’khorlo, and the Vajrayana Film Club