24 October 2023

Slogan 39 - Battlecry of Freedom



Slogan 39 of ‘Battlecry of Freedom’ is now available to view on Aro Ling Cardiff’s YouTube channel: https://youtube/KiB48be8gCc

For live commentary on these slogans of Buddhist Mind Training, join us for Monday Meditations: 7 - 8:30 pm (UK time) on Zoom, Monday evenings.
Zoom Meeting ID: 85249620913
Passcode: 640389
Silent sitting and yogic song, finishing with a slogan from ‘Battlecry of Freedom’.
Everyone is welcome.

To see all videos with Ngakma Nor’dzin and Ngakpa ’ö-Dzin, go to:

21 October 2023

The Top Path - drainage

Drala Jong is a home for Vajrayana Buddhism, inspiring people to connect with innate kindness, authentic creativity and the natural world. It is a place where human beings can discover the pleasure of existence – the pleasure that animates the sense fields and revitalises the Arts. This is the Art of Living.

In August 2023, Ngakma Nor'dzin, Ngakpa 'ö-Dzin and their students walked the woodland paths at Drala Jong and made a series of short videos.

19 October 2023

Top path and coppicing

Drala Jong is a home for Vajrayana Buddhism, inspiring people to connect with innate kindness, authentic creativity and the natural world. It is a place where human beings can discover the pleasure of existence – the pleasure that animates the sense fields and revitalises the Arts. This is the Art of Living.

In August 2023, Ngakma Nor'dzin, Ngakpa 'ö-Dzin and their students walked the woodland paths at Drala Jong and made a series of short videos.

17 October 2023

Slogan 38 - Battlecry of Freedom


Slogan 38 of ‘Battlecry of Freedom’ is now available to view on Aro Ling Cardiff’s YouTube channel: https://youtube/KiB48be8gCc

For live commentary on these slogans of Buddhist Mind Training, join us for Monday Meditations: 7 - 8:30 pm (UK time) on Zoom, Monday evenings.
Zoom Meeting ID: 85249620913
Passcode: 640389
Silent sitting and yogic song, finishing with a slogan from ‘Battlecry of Freedom’.
Everyone is welcome.

To see all videos with Ngakma Nor’dzin and Ngakpa ’ö-Dzin, go to:

14 October 2023

The Top Path and Badgers' Run

In August 2023, Ngakma Nor'dzin, Ngakpa 'ö-Dzin and their students walked the woodland paths at Drala Jong and made a series of short videos.

In this video Ngakpa Samten talks about one of the planned paths.

Drala Jong is a Vajrayana Buddhist retreat centre in Wales. It is a place where human beings can discover the pleasure of existence – the pleasure that animates the sense fields and revitalises the Arts. This is the Art of Living.

Drala Jong is the home of the Aro gTér Lineage.

13 October 2023

Drala Jong - the Link Path

In August 2023, Ngakma Nor'dzin, Ngakpa 'ö-Dzin and their students walked the woodland paths at Drala Jong and made a series of short videos.

This video is of the link path between the large pond and the top path.


Drala Jong is a Vajrayana Buddhist retreat centre in Wales. It is a place where human beings can discover the pleasure of existence – the pleasure that animates the sense fields and revitalises the Arts. This is the Art of Living.

12 October 2023

Slogan 37 - Battlecry of Freedom

Slogan 37 of ‘Battlecry of Freedom’ is now available to view on Aro Ling Cardiff’s YouTube channel: https://youtube/KiB48be8gCc

For live commentary on these slogans of Buddhist Mind Training, join us for Monday Meditations: 7 - 8:30 pm (UK time) on Zoom, Monday evenings.
Zoom Meeting ID: 85249620913
Passcode: 640389
Silent sitting and yogic song, finishing with a slogan from ‘Battlecry of Freedom’.
Everyone is welcome.

To see all videos with Ngakma Nor’dzin and Ngakpa ’ö-Dzin, go to:

11 October 2023

Drala Jong - the Courtyard

Drala Jong is a Vajrayana Buddhist retreat centre in Wales. It is a place where human beings can discover the pleasure of existence – the pleasure that animates the sense fields and revitalises the Arts. This is the Art of Living.

Drala Jong is the home of the Aro gTér Lineage.

In August 2023, Ngakma Nor'dzin, Ngakpa 'ö-Dzin and their students walked the woodland paths at Drala Jong and made a series of short videos. 

The walk began in the courtyard: https://youtu.be/4jn67y3DuWQ.

Slogan 36 - Battlecry of Freedom

Slogan 36 of ‘Battlecry of Freedom’ is now available to view on Aro Ling Cardiff’s YouTube channel: https://youtube/KiB48be8gCc

For live commentary on these slogans of Buddhist Mind Training, join us for Monday Meditations: 7 - 8:30 pm (UK time) on Zoom, Monday evenings.
Zoom Meeting ID: 85249620913
Passcode: 640389
Silent sitting and yogic song, finishing with a slogan from ‘Battlecry of Freedom’.
Everyone is welcome.

To see all videos with Ngakma Nor’dzin and Ngakpa ’ö-Dzin, go to: