page 39, Illusory Advice, Ngakma Nor’dzin & Ngakpa ’ö-Dzin, Aro Books Worldwide, 2016, ISBN: 978-1-898185-37-6
30 December 2021
The teacher enjoys the patterns of their student’s neuroses - Illusory Advice
16 December 2021
Practice is the key that explodes the narrow confines of our ordinary experience. - Spacious Passion
Practice is the key that explodes the narrow confines of our ordinary experience. Practice liberates the fatalistic, deterministic view of karma as cause and effect. Once karma is understood as self-originated and self-maintained, we can let go of the cause and refuse to support its maintenance. Through direct introduction to method by our Lama, we can derail karma and burn the diesel as passionate devotion. We can turn around the causes that create samsara, and transform their energy into creating the causes of eternal satisfaction through the endless continuity of blissful now-moments.
Spacious Passion,Ngakma Nor´dzin, Aro Books worldwide, ISBN 978-0-9653984-4-0, chapter 6, Quelling the Storm, page 149
02 December 2021
Once you realise that opinions are empty then self-importance becomes irrelevant. - Illusory Advice
Apprentice: I am very sorry that I am sometimes rather opinionated and self-important.
Teachers: Most people have times when they are opinionated and self-important, and recognising this is half way to letting such things go. In ordinary society it seems to be generally regarded that having opinions is a sign of maturity. We would regard the openness to admit ‘not knowing’ and a willingness to be challenged as greater signs of maturity. Once you realise that opinions are empty then self-importance becomes irrelevant.
page 38, Illusory Advice, Ngakma Nor’dzin & Ngakpa ’ö-Dzin, Aro Books Worldwide, 2016, ISBN: 978-1-898185-37-6
18 November 2021
Our patterning becomes transparent - Spacious Passion
Once we are able to dwell in the experience of emptiness between moments of movement in the mind, and even expand the scope of that emptiness, our patterning becomes transparent. It is revealed and laid bare. We can experience the naked empty nature of our perception, and joyfully play with the movement of intention and response. We can begin to recognise the processes we enter into at the moment of perception that result in response. We can see how we judge everything, categorise everything and separate ourselves from the direct, naked experience of perception. We can recognise that we continually filter perception through expectation and previous experience, and are at the mercy of the three root misconceptions of attraction, aversion, and indifference. These three distracted tendencies are the grinding of the wheel of samsara.
Spacious Passion, Ngakma Nor´dzin, Aro Books worldwide, 2006, ISBN 978-0-9653948-4-0, chapter 6 Quelling the Storm, page 146
04 November 2021
‘spiritual friendship with teeth’ - Illusory Advice
The system of apprenticeship is one where new apprentices enter ‘spiritual friendship’ with their chosen teacher, and it is up to the student to decide at what pace they wish to proceed. There is the expectation that sufficient interaction will happen between the teacher and student to enable the apprentice to decide whether they feel at home with this mode of practice. This requires sufficient interaction and exposure to the teacher, which can be challenging, because the student cannot hide out. This is why Ngakma Nor’dzin once described apprenticeship as ‘spiritual friendship with teeth.’
page 36, Illusory Advice, Ngakma Nor’dzin & Ngakpa ’ö-Dzin, Aro Books Worldwide, 2016, ISBN: 978-1-898185-37-6
21 October 2021
Through letting go of cloud mind, we discover Sky Mind.
There are many methods of spacious meditation in the different schools and traditions of Buddhism. These methods teach us to cease giving attention to the constant chatter in our minds – cloud mind. Through letting go of cloud mind, we discover Sky Mind. We sit and allow the movement in mind to settle. When a thought arises, we let go of the content and allow the energy to dissipate. When a memory arises, we let go of the content and allow the movement to dissolve. When sensation arises, we do not judge it as good or bad, attractive or unattractive, we let it subside and disappear. When we learn to be comfortable in the space of Sky Mind, we find that we have discovered one of the most potent methods of transforming dualistic perception and response into enlightened perception and response.
Spacious Passion, Ngakma Nor‘dzin, Aro Books worldwide, 2006, ISBN 978-0-9653948-4-0, chapter 6, Quelling the storm, pp143-144
13 October 2021
The Five Skandhas - Monday Meditations
Ngakpa ’ö-Dzin and Ngakma Nor’dzin talk on the subject of the Five Skandhas.
This talk was part of the ‘Monday Meditations’ session at Aro Ling Cardiff, 11th October 2021.
Monday Meditations: 7 - 8:30 pm (UK time) on Zoom every Monday evening. Zoom meeting ID: 85249620913; Passcode: 640389.
Do join us for silent sitting and yogic song, with a short teaching in the middle.
Everyone is welcome.
Invitation Link07 October 2021
The quality of one’s relationship with the teacher is the barometer of one’s spiritual health - Illusory Advice
To say that the teacher-student relationship is central to Vajrayana Buddhism would be a gross understatement. In Vajrayana, the teacher is the practice. Methods are received from the teacher and practised under their supervision. They then validate our evolving experience. With sufficient experience of the teacher-student relationship the teacher’s view begins to pervade every aspect of our lives; and so there is no sense in which the teacher’s importance diminishes as one progresses along the path – quite the contrary. In many ways, the quality of one’s relationship with the teacher is the barometer of one’s spiritual health.
page 35, Illusory Advice, Ngakma Nor’dzin & Ngakpa ’ö-Dzin, Aro Books Worldwide, 2016, ISBN: 978-1-898185-37-6
06 October 2021
The Four Immesurables - Monday Meditations
Ngakma Nor’dzin and Ngakpa ’ö-Dzin talk on the subject of The Four Immeasurables: loving kindness, comapssion, empathetic joy and equanimity.
This talk was part of the ‘Monday Meditations’ session at Aro Ling Cardiff, 4th October 2021.
Monday Meditations: 7 - 8:30 pm (UK time) on Zoom every Monday evening. Zoom meeting ID: 85249620913; Passcode: 640389.
Do join us for silent sitting and yogic song, with a short teaching in the middle.
Everyone is welcome.
Invitation Link
29 September 2021
The Chörten - Monday Meditations
Ngakpa ’ö-Dzin and Ngakma Nor’dzin talk on the subject of the symbolism of the Chörten (stupa).
This talk was part of the ‘Monday Meditations’ session at Aro Ling Cardiff, 27th September 2021.
Monday Meditations: 7 - 8:30 pm (UK time) on Zoom every Monday evening. Zoom meeting ID: 85249620913; Passcode: 640389.
Do join us for silent sitting and yogic song, with a short teaching in the middle.
Everyone is welcome.
Invitation Link23 September 2021
Having an opinion is not a problem. - Spacious Passion
I like science fiction. I think science fiction is entertaining and can open my mind to new ways of looking at things. I enjoy books and films about science fiction. I watch science fiction movies and usually enjoy them, which strengthens my liking for science fiction. My neighbour hates science fiction. He thinks it is a complete waste of time. He thinks that the story lines are usually far-fetched, a traditional story in an alien setting, or just an excuse for techno-babble dialogue and fancy special effects. He occasionally watches a science fiction movie and they confirm his negative opinion of science fiction. There is actually no problem with this situation.
Having an opinion is not a problem. Having a different opinion to my neighbour is not a problem – unless we feel threatened by our differing opinions. My neighbour can enjoy my appreciation of science fiction and retain his feeling of not being keen on it. I can enjoy my appreciation of science fiction and see that his opinion of it is sometimes true without this spoiling my enjoyment. Problems arise because we tend to regard our opinions as fact, rather than remembering that they are the result of our subjective experience.
Spacious Passion, Ngakma Nor‘dzin, Aro books worldwide, 2006, ISBN 978-0-9653948-4-0, chapter 6 Quelling the storm, p142
22 September 2021
The Ten Paramitas - Monday Meditations
Ngakma Nor’dzin and Ngakpa ’ö-Dzin talk on the subject of ‘The Ten Paramitas’.
This talk was part of the ‘Monday Meditations’ session at Aro Ling Cardiff, 20th September 2021.
Monday Meditations: 7 - 8:30 pm (UK time) on Zoom every Monday evening. Zoom meeting ID: 85249620913; Passcode: 640389.
Do join us for silent sitting and yogic song, with a short teaching in the middle.
Everyone is welcome.
15 September 2021
Four Thoughts that Turn the Mind to Practice - Monday Meditations
Ngakpa ’ö-Dzin and Ngakma Nor’dzin talk on the subject of ‘The Four Thoughts that Turn the Mind to Practice’. These are: the contemplation of the rareness of a precious human rebirth; karma; impermanence and death; and the experience of dissatisfaction
This talk was part of the ‘Monday Meditations’ session at Aro Ling Cardiff, September 13th 2021.
Monday Meditations: 7 - 8:30 pm (UK time) on Zoom every Monday evening. Zoom meeting ID: 85249620913; Passcode: 640389.
Do join us for silent sitting and yogic song, with a short teaching in the middle.
Everyone is welcome.
09 September 2021
You wish for things to be exactly as they are - Illusory Advice
The Dzogchen approach is indeed to accept, with cheer and goodwill, that whatever way things are happening, that is the way they are happening. You wish for things to be exactly as they are. This is not passive or submissive, but a powerful affirmation of appreciation and the determination to discover nonduality through whatever arises in one’s life
page 34, Illusory Advice, Ngakma Nor’dzin & Ngakpa ’ö-Dzin, Aro Books Worldwide, 2016, ISBN: 978-1-898185-37-6
08 September 2021
Four Denials: monism, dualism, eternalism, nihilism - Monday Meditations
Ngakma Nor’dzin and Ngakpa ’ö-Dzin talk on the subject of ‘The Four Denials: monism, dualism, eternalism, nihilism.'
This talk was part of the ‘Monday Meditations’ session at Aro Ling Cardiff, 6th September 2021.
Monday Meditations: 7 - 8:30 pm (UK time) on Zoom every Monday evening. Zoom meeting ID: 85249620913; Passcode: 640389.
Do join us for silent sitting and yogic song, with a short teaching in the middle. Everyone is welcome.
04 September 2021
Emptiness - Monday Meditations
Ngakpa ’ö-Dzin and Ngakma Nor’dzin talk on the subject of ‘Emptiness’.
This talk was part of the ‘Monday Meditations’ session at Aro Ling Cardiff, August 30th 2021.
Monday Meditations: 7 - 8:30 pm (UK time) on Zoom every Monday evening. Zoom meeting ID: 85249620913; Passcode: 640389.
Do join us for silent sitting and yogic song, with a short teaching in the middle.
Everyone is welcome.
27 August 2021
The 12 interdependent links of origination - Monday Meditations
Ngakma Nor’dzin and Ngakpa ’ö-Dzin talk on the subject of ‘12 interdependent links of origination’.
This talk was part of the ‘Monday Meditations’ session at Aro Ling Cardiff, 23rd August 2021. Clarification of the five skandhas mentioned in the talk: form, feeling, perception, mental formation, consciousness.
Monday Meditations: 7 - 8:30 pm on Zoom (UK time) every Monday. Zoom meeting ID: 85249620913; Passcode: 640389.
Do join us for silent sitting and yogic song, with a short teaching in the middle.
Everyone welcome.
26 August 2021
We attempt to separate emptiness and form - Spacious Passion
Intention is the energy of perception that leads to response. If perception is dualistic, the intention and response will be dualistic. Intention or motivation is the energy that activates the process of cyclic existence. So long as we continue to attempt to separate emptiness and form, intention will drive the wheel of cyclic existence. When perception is nondual, response spontaneously arises as pure appropriateness – intention is simply the energy of nondual perceptual-responsive congruency. The cogs of dualistic distortion no longer click into action. Karma no longer arises because perception and response are spontaneous and clear.
Spacious Passion, Ngakma Nor‘dzin, Aro Books worldwide, 2006, ISBN 978-0-9653948-4-0, chapter 6 Quelling the storm, p141
The Eight Worldly Dharmas - Monday Meditations
Ngakpa 'ö-Dzin and Ngakma Nor'dzin talk on the subject of ‘The Eight Worldly Dharmas'.
This talk was part of the 'Monday Meditations' session at Aro Ling Cardiff on 16th August 2021.
Monday Meditations: 7 - 8:30 pm on Zoom (UK time) every Monday. Zoom meeting ID: 85249620913; Passcode: 640389.
Do join us for silent sitting and yogic song, with a short teaching in the middle.
Everyone is welcome
12 August 2021
It is a choice whether you allow Buddhism to be a religion or a philosophy. - Illusory Advice
It is possible to trundle along as a practitioner seeing your engagement with Buddhism simply as a way of life, but inevitably there will come a time when you are confronted with the fact that Buddhism is a religion – especially if vows are taken. This is the time when the view of practice becomes inconvenient. Although your understanding of view and method clearly indicates how you should act, your self-protectiveness wants to act in a different way. You want to indulge in recrimination, justification, prejudice, bigotry, irritation, peevishness, ignorance; you want to allow yourself to be overwhelmed, paranoid, jealous, annoyed … or whatever. If your practice is simply a way of life then you can squirm your way out of view; you can allow your own philosophy to take precedent over the demands of your religion. It is a choice whether you allow Buddhism to be a religion or a philosophy. As a religion you have to allow Buddhism to be larger than you, and its view to be all-encompassing.
page 32, Illusory Advice, Ngakma Nor’dzin & Ngakpa ’ö-Dzin, Aro Books Worldwide, 2016, ISBN: 978-1-898185-37-6
06 August 2021
The Five Precepts - Monday Meditations
Ngakma Nor’dzin and Ngakpa ’ö-Dzin talk on the subject of ‘The Five Precepts’
This talk was part of the ‘Monday Meditations’ session at Aro Ling Cardiff, 2nd August 2021.
Monday Meditations: 7 - 8:30 pm (UK time) on Zoom every Monday evening. Zoom meeting ID: 85249620913; Passcode: 640389.
Do join us for silent sitting and yogic song, with a short teaching in the middle.
31 July 2021
Realms of Being - Monday Meditations
Ngakpa ’ö-Dzin and Ngakma Nor’dzin talk on the subject of ‘The Realms of Being’.
This talk was part of the ‘Monday Meditations’ session at Aro Ling Cardiff, July 26th 2021
Monday Meditations: 7 - 8:30 pm (UK time) on Zoom every Monday evening. Zoom meeting ID: 85249620913; Passcode: 640389.
Do join us for silent sitting and yogic song, with a short teaching in the middle.
Invitation Link29 July 2021
The filter of our neurotic patterning - Spacious Passion
If we perceive through the filter of our referential, neurotic patterning, then our response will also be coloured by that referential, neurotic make matters worse, if we respond in alignment with our distorted patterning, then we make that pattern even stronger, even more ingrained. However, our response, the effect, or our reaction is not predetermined – even though it may sometimes feel as though it is. We can discover the space between perception and response, action and reaction, cause and effect. Spiritual practice offers a real and potent opportunity to undermine our own patterning. We can take control of our reaction and discover freedom from patterned response.
Spacious Passion, Ngakma Nor´dzin, Aro Books worldwide, 2006, ISBN 978-0-9653948-4-0, chapter 6 Quelling the storm, pp133-134
15 July 2021
Buddhism is a religion of method - Illusory Advice
Buddhism is a religion of method, and that is why it appears to manifest as a philosophy or ‘a way of life.’ The way of living one’s life is the practice of the religion. There are practices that are overtly religious—such as ritual practice—but a lot of Buddhist practice has to do with view – it is the transformation of view that manifests as change in behaviour and attitude. This is more subtle and all-life-encompassing than ritual practice.
Illusory Advice, Ngakma Nor’dzin & Ngakpa ’ö-Dzin, Aro Books Worldwide, 2016, ISBN: 978-1-898185-37-6, p32
14 July 2021
Amulets - A short slideshow about the Buddhist practice of woven amulets.
A short slideshow about the Buddhist practice of woven amulets. Musical accompaniment by Jamie McNiven-Young.
13 July 2021
The Three Root Misconceptions: attraction, aversion, and indifference - Monday Meditations
Ngakma Nor’dzin and Ngakpa ’ö-Dzin talk on the subject of ‘The Three Root Misconceptions: attraction, aversion, and indifference’.
This talk was part of the ‘Monday Meditations’ session at Aro Ling Cardiff, 12th July 2021.
Monday Meditations: 7 - 8:30 pm on Zoom (UK time) every Monday. Zoom meeting ID: 85249620913; Passcode: 640389.
Do join us for silent sitting and yogic song, with a short teaching in the middle.
Invitation Link11 July 2021
Kindness - Monday Meditations
Ngakpa ’ö-Dzin and Ngakma Nor’dzin talk on the subject of ‘Kindness’.
This talk was part of the ‘Monday Meditations’ session at Aro Ling Cardiff, 5th July 2021.
Monday Meditations: 7 - 8:30 pm on Zoom (UK time) every Monday. Zoom meeting ID: 85249620913; Passcode: 640389.
Do join us for silent sitting and yogic song, with a short teaching in the middle.