19 June 2017

Creative Intention, July 1; The Art of Chaos, September 2; meditation group Tuesdays at Aro Ling Cardiff

Aro Ling Cardiff has one more weekend event before the summer break, plus the ongoing Tuesday meditation group.
On July 1st Ngakma Nor’dzin and Ngakpa ’ö-Dzin will lead a workshop: Creative Intention - Amulets.
The Tuesday evening meditation group will continue to meet at 7pm throughout July. Then there will be a summer break with no events at Aro Ling Cardiff during August.
The new academic year will begin at Aro Ling Cardiff on the first weekend of September with a day of teachings on Saturday September 2nd with the Aro gTér Lineage Holders, Ngak’chang Rinpoche and Khandro Déchen on The Art of Chaos. This event is likely to be over-subscribed, so early booking is recommended.
We look forward to seeing you soon, and wish you an enjoyable summer.
Best wishes from Aro Ling Cardiff