22 May 2017

June 3rd teachings on death, impermanence, dream yoga and bardo + June 4th practice session – Aro Ling Cardiff

The Ebb & Flow of Existence & Non-existence

June 3rd 10:00 16:00 Aro Ling Cardiff

We spend a third of our lives asleep; so it is quite useful that we use that period if we can. If your practice is only your formal practice, then a very small part of your life is actually devoted to practice. This is crucial for anyone who lives in the world and has a job. This is why we teach dream yoga – it is important that we use that part of our lives.” Ngak’chang Rinpoche

Death and impermanence are the natural ebb and flow of existence, yet there can be a tendency to look on death as a single,undesirable, end-of-life experience. Through looking at impermanence, death—and rebirth—can be recognised as a continuing experience. The process of falling to sleep, dreaming, and waking into a new day is similar to the process of falling into death, the intermediate bardo experience, and awakening into a new lifetime. Through learning to gain lucidity in dreaming and awareness through sleep, this time becomes available for practice, and death loses its fear.

Ngakma Nor’dzin and Ngakpa ’ö-Dzin will teach the method of dream yoga, and discuss the
nine bardos of the Aro gTér Lineage.

Refreshments are provided for the morning tea break. Please bring a packed lunch.

A donation of £25 is requested for the day of teachings.
For enquiries about this event, please:
email: aro.ling.cardiff@gmail.com
text: 07875 716644
telephone: 07092 010756

Instantaneous ordinariness’ is the fruit of the gYo-wa bardo. Instantaneous ordinariness is the moment when continuity is destroyed. As soon as continuity is destroyed, continuity appears again as the continuous moment of ‘Great Time’. One senses continuity again, but ‘that which is continuous’ is empty. One arrives at the non-dual point of realising the one taste of continuity and discontinuity. This is the essence of the tha-mal-gyi-shé-pa bardo: simply noticing death – and being born as the next moment.” Ngak’chang Rinpoche

June 4th 

10:00 11:00 meditation, mantra, chant and yogic song (£5 donation requested)
11:00 11:30 tea break
11:30 12:30 jong dar physical yogas of the Aro Tradition (£5 donation requested)
12:30 15:00 tsog’khorlo ceremony – please give notice in advance to attend (£5 donation requested)