28 April 2015

May Newsletter – Aro Ling Cardiff Buddhist Centre

Pear blossom
The fruit tree blossom seems to be especially beautiful this year. I hope you are enjoying it. It is still quite cold however, but nice and snug at Aro Ling Cardiff Buddhist Centre. Nestled in the heart of Whitchurch Village, we offer Tibetan Yoga (sKu-mNyé), Meditation and Yogic Song. Please see the schedule below for our regular weekday events.

The introductory session—Discovering the Spaciousness of Mind—will take place this Saturday, 2nd May, 10 – 12. Do come and long and find out about the practices we use at Aro Ling Cardiff, and about the Aro gTér Lineage which is part of the Nyingma School of Tibetan Buddhism.

On bank holiday Monday, 4th May, Aro Ling has a stall at the Mayday Carnival organised by Welsh Hearts. This takes place on Whitchurch Common from 11am till 5pm. Free entry. Do visit us and say hello if you are sampling the delights of the Carnival. We look forward to chatting with you.

There will not be a weekend retreat in May because Ngakma Nor’dzin and Ngakpa ’ö-Dzin are teaching a weekend in Cornwall. So the next weekend event at Aro Ling Cardiff will be in June – details below.

The Elements of our Emotions  
a weekend retreat June 1214
£6 each session or £25 for the whole weekend
(plus a small extra charge for materials, approx £3)
5 sessions: join us for 1 session, several or the whole weekend
(1) Friday 19:00 – 20:30
Saturday (2)10:00 – 12:00, (3) 14:00 – 16:00, (4)
17:00 – 19:00
(5) Sunday 10:00 – 12:00

Ngakma Nor’dzin & Ngakpa ’ö-Dzin will teach on the elements earth, water, fire, air & space. Our emotions and emotional responses are patterned by distortion of the elements. This distortion can be unravelled. Discover the enlightened qualities of the elements & how to liberate these qualities. The weekend will include the practice of working with emotional patterning—for ourselves or others—through weaving the elements to create namkha: woven thread crosses.

Regular events at Aro Ling Cardiff Buddhist Centre:
Discovering the Spaciousness of Mind – first Saturday of each month, 10 – 12, £5 (not April 4th)
Tibetan Yoga for the over 50s – Tuesday 10:30 11:30 requested donation £3
Song & Meditation – Tuesday 12:00 – 13:00 requested donation £3  

Meditation Group – Tuesday 19:00 – 20:30 requested donation £5
Tibetan Yoga – Wednesday 14:00 15:00 requested donation £3
Yogic Song & Mantra – Wednesday 15:15 – 16:00 requested donation £3

Tibetan Yoga – Wednesday 17:30 18:30 requested donation £3

Aro Ling Cardiff Buddhist Centre also hosts
Siop Siarad
conversation group for Welsh learners: Tuesday 13:15,
Wednesday 16:15

01 April 2015

’a-Shul Pema Legden

’a-Shul Pema Legden
Born on 1st April, ’a-Shul Pema Legden was the gTér scribe and visionary artist of Khalden Lingpa. He was recognised by A-Kyong Düd’dül Dorje Rinpoche as the rebirth of a daughter of the Sixth Dala’i Lama. He was not known as a great Lama, or as an intellectually gifted practitioner – he simply worked hard, and was devoted to Khalden Lingpa. He was a meticulous artist and scribe, and a kind, gentle person. He was a monk, but had been instructed by Khalden Lingpa not to cut his hair.

Aro Lingma took ’a-Shul as her consort and disciple, and travelled with him to the border lands near Nepal, where they established the Aro Gar.

[See Aro Encyclopaedia]