The five powers - confidence, energetic application, alert presence, meditative attention, and intelligent discernment - apply to all areas of life, including sleeping and dreaming.
When falling asleep, the psycho-physical elements dissolve into emptiness and the dream body is born. The dreamer has dream personality and dream life circumstances. If the five powers are engaged, openness and kindness can be practised. If they are not applied, dream activity may be deluded and move toward patterning and self-protection – just as in waking life.
Responsibility remains for any activity that is engaged while dreaming, and the consequences of patterning remain the same as in waking activity. Murderous intent in a dream carried through into activity in the dream will carry the same consequence of patterning as with waking intent and activity.
Battlecry of Freedom by Ngakma Nor’dzin, Aro Books worldwide, 2019, ISBN 978-1-898185-46-8 Part II - the slogans, p. 108