04 December 2017

Seasons Greetings / winter holiday / new year events

Seasons Greetings!
Aro Ling Cardiff wishes you an enjoyable Yuletide holiday
and a Happy New Year!


TUESDAYS 7 - 8:30
meditation group - every week, all welcome, just turn up

Bhutan pilgrimage and welcoming the new year, 10:00 -16:00 (see details below)
Booking required. £25 donation requested.

meditation and yogic song 10:00 - 11:00, all welcome, just turn up
tea break 11- 11:30
standing meditation and jong dar 11:30 - 12:30 (yoga) - booking required

Aro Ling Cardiff will be closed for two Tuesday evenings over the Yuletide holiday. There will not be a meditation group on the 26th December or the 2nd January. 

The January weekend event will take place on the 6th and 7th.  The morning of Saturday 6th January will consist on a talk and visual presentation about Ngakma Nor’dzin and Ngakpa ’ö-Dzin’s pilgrimage to Bhutan in autumn 2017. The afternoon will consist of practice including the Riwo Sang Chöd (ri bo bSang mChod) - smoke offering ceremony.

02 October 2017

October and December days of teachings at Aro Ling Cardiff, news

The new year of events at Aro Ling Cardiff was beautifully started with a day of teachings with the Aro gTér Lineage Holders, Ngak’chang Rinpoche and Khandro Déchen. The Topic for the day, The Art of Chaos, was appreciated by the roomful of attendees. Ngak’chang Rinpoche and Khandro Déchen have said that they will return and teach the ritual practice of gCod if wished, and if people practise the yang-sang gCod that they taught on this occasion.

lunch break

Ngakma Nor’dzin and Ngakpa ’ö-Dzin were delighted to be invited to attend the opening of the tea room at the Tibetan Buddhist Centre in Canton. Kagyu Samye Dzong Cardiff, on Cowbridge Road, is a lovely centre and Ngakma Nor’dzin and Ngakpa ’ö-Dzin were delighted to join their thriving community to celebrate the opening. Lama Yeshé Losal of Samyé Ling gave an inspiring talk. It is always wonderful to have the two streams of ordained practitioners of Tibetan Buddhism, the monastic and yogic traditions, meeting together.
Image may contain: 1 person, close-up
Lama Yeshé Losal

The next weekend of events at Aro Ling Cardiff is imminent. SATURDAY 7th OCTOBER - The Inner and Outer Teacher, 10 - 4; SUNDAY 8TH OCTOBER - meditation and yogic song 10 - 11, Jong Dar 11:30 - 12:30 (yoga). Please see full details at aro-ling.org/classes-and-events/inner-outer-teacher/

There will not be a weekend event in November because Ngakma Nor’dzin and Ngakpa ’ö-Dzin will be in Bhutan. The Saturday of teachings in December will be on the 2nd, and the topic will be Silent Mind, Holy Mind, exploring the purpose and method of silent sitting.


SATURDAY 7th OCTOBER - The Inner and Outer Teacher, 10 - 4
SUNDAY 8TH OCTOBER - meditation and yogic song 10 - 11, Jong Dar 11:30 - 12:30 (yoga) 

TUESDAYS 7 - 8:30 meditation group - every week, all welcome, just turn up

SATURDAY 2ND DECEMBER - Silent Mind, Holy Mind 10 - 4
SUNDAY 3RD DECEMBER - Meditation and Yogic Song 10 - 11; Jong Dar (yoga) 11:30 - 12:30

25 July 2017

Aro Ling Cardiff - summer recess, fifth year, donations to Drala Jong, visit of Lineage Holders

Aro Ling Cardiff thanks you all for your support over the last year. Aro Ling Cardiff has gone from strength to strength since moving to Court Close and away from the small rented room in  Whitchurch Village. We look forward to beginning the fifth year of Aro Ling Cardiff in September, with a special Saturday event ‘The Art of Chaos’ with Ngak’chang Rinpoche and Khandro Déchen, the Aro gTér Lineage Holders.

This month Aro Ling Cardiff will be paying £250 from your generous donations to the Drala Jong appeal for the establishment of a retreat centre in Wales.

Aro Ling Cardiff is now having a summer recess for the month of August with the July 25th meeting being the final one till September. Over the month of August, Nor’dzin and ’ö-Dzin are intending to replace the temporary fabric ceiling in the meditation room with a wooden ceiling. If you have a free weekend in August and would like to help with this work, please do get in touch (aro.ling.cardiff@gmail.com  07092 010756). 

Aro Ling Cardiff meets at 5 Court Close, Whitchurch, CF14 1JR
Email: aro.ling.cardiff@gmail.com
Telephone: 07092 010756

The charity of the Aro gTér Lineage in the UK is called ‘Sang-ngak-chö-dzong’ (UK charity number 1019886). This was the name given by Kyabjé Düd’jom Rinpoche. Currently we are fund-raising to establish a residential retreat centre in Wales, which will be called ‘Drala Jong’. For information about this appeal, please see http://arobuddhism.org/drala-jong/drala-jong-appeal.html or go to the Drala Jong appeal blog.   

From September, the suggested donation for the meditation group, and for the first Sunday of the month sessions, is £3. This will cover Aro Ling Cardiff’s running costs, such as refreshments, electricity, improvement and maintenance of the meditation room. Donations received over and above running costs enable Aro Ling Cardiff to support the Drala Jong appeal.

Extracts from Aro gTér Lineage publications appear once a week on a blog called Aro Quotation. If you would like to receive the Aro Quotations by email, please go to the blog and subscribe.

The Aro gTer Lineage also offers a free meditation course. The course is delivered in weekly emails.

19 June 2017

Creative Intention, July 1; The Art of Chaos, September 2; meditation group Tuesdays at Aro Ling Cardiff

Aro Ling Cardiff has one more weekend event before the summer break, plus the ongoing Tuesday meditation group.
On July 1st Ngakma Nor’dzin and Ngakpa ’ö-Dzin will lead a workshop: Creative Intention - Amulets.
The Tuesday evening meditation group will continue to meet at 7pm throughout July. Then there will be a summer break with no events at Aro Ling Cardiff during August.
The new academic year will begin at Aro Ling Cardiff on the first weekend of September with a day of teachings on Saturday September 2nd with the Aro gTér Lineage Holders, Ngak’chang Rinpoche and Khandro Déchen on The Art of Chaos. This event is likely to be over-subscribed, so early booking is recommended.
We look forward to seeing you soon, and wish you an enjoyable summer.
Best wishes from Aro Ling Cardiff

22 May 2017

June 3rd teachings on death, impermanence, dream yoga and bardo + June 4th practice session – Aro Ling Cardiff

The Ebb & Flow of Existence & Non-existence

June 3rd 10:00 16:00 Aro Ling Cardiff

We spend a third of our lives asleep; so it is quite useful that we use that period if we can. If your practice is only your formal practice, then a very small part of your life is actually devoted to practice. This is crucial for anyone who lives in the world and has a job. This is why we teach dream yoga – it is important that we use that part of our lives.” Ngak’chang Rinpoche

Death and impermanence are the natural ebb and flow of existence, yet there can be a tendency to look on death as a single,undesirable, end-of-life experience. Through looking at impermanence, death—and rebirth—can be recognised as a continuing experience. The process of falling to sleep, dreaming, and waking into a new day is similar to the process of falling into death, the intermediate bardo experience, and awakening into a new lifetime. Through learning to gain lucidity in dreaming and awareness through sleep, this time becomes available for practice, and death loses its fear.

Ngakma Nor’dzin and Ngakpa ’ö-Dzin will teach the method of dream yoga, and discuss the
nine bardos of the Aro gTér Lineage.

Refreshments are provided for the morning tea break. Please bring a packed lunch.

A donation of £25 is requested for the day of teachings.
For enquiries about this event, please:
email: aro.ling.cardiff@gmail.com
text: 07875 716644
telephone: 07092 010756

Instantaneous ordinariness’ is the fruit of the gYo-wa bardo. Instantaneous ordinariness is the moment when continuity is destroyed. As soon as continuity is destroyed, continuity appears again as the continuous moment of ‘Great Time’. One senses continuity again, but ‘that which is continuous’ is empty. One arrives at the non-dual point of realising the one taste of continuity and discontinuity. This is the essence of the tha-mal-gyi-shé-pa bardo: simply noticing death – and being born as the next moment.” Ngak’chang Rinpoche

June 4th 

10:00 11:00 meditation, mantra, chant and yogic song (£5 donation requested)
11:00 11:30 tea break
11:30 12:30 jong dar physical yogas of the Aro Tradition (£5 donation requested)
12:30 15:00 tsog’khorlo ceremony – please give notice in advance to attend (£5 donation requested)

10 April 2017

May, June, July teaching days – £100 donation to Drala Jong – Lineage Holders teaching in September

Aro Ling Cardiff
Vajrayana Buddhism

Upcoming events:
  • May Retreat Weekend   6th and 7th of May Untying Knots
  • June Retreat Weekend  3rd and 4th of June The Ebb & Flow of Existence & Non-Existence
  • July Retreat Weekend 1st and 2nd of July Creative Intention: Amulet workshop
  • September Retreat Weekend 2nd and 3rd of Sept Ngak’chang Rinpoche & Khandro Déchen
  • Saturdays Vajrayana teachings, 10 4
  • Sundays – 3 practice sessions, 10 3
Ongoing weekly :
  • Tuesday meditation group, 19:00 20:30 
The Saturday teachings until autumn have been decided and scheduled. Please follow the links above for details. More information about the May event is below. There will be weekend events in May, June, and July, but none in August. We are also delighted to give early notice that the Aro gTér Lineage Holders, Ngak’chang Rinpoche and Khandro Déchen, are coming to teach at Aro Ling Cardiff on September 2nd details coming soon. 
Due to the support of people attending our events, Aro Ling Cardiff has donated £100 to the Drala Jong Appeal this month. Thank you very much for enabling us to support this project to establish an Aro gTér Lineage centre in Wales. 

We look forward to seeing you soon.

Ngakma Nor’dzin and Ngakpa ’ö-Dzin

Saturday 6th May Vajrayana teaching entitledUntying Knots’. 
Through the three root misconceptions of attraction, aversion and indifference patterning is created. Patterning locks us into the cycle of karmic response, moment by moment, life after life. When a sense of dissatisfaction arises through noticing the self-defeating nature of these cycles, we are instantaneously at the base of practice. Learn how to untie the knots of patterning to make response more open and free, liberating basic goodness and joy. In the Aro gTér Lineage the sutric teachings are found in the Ulukha-mukha Sutra – the Songs of the Owl-faced Dakini. Ngakma Nor’dzin and Ngakpa ’ö-Dzin will explore some of the core teachings with reference to Dzogchen view.

Full details for this event, and for June and July, are on the website (please click on links above)
Details of the September day of teachings with the Aro gTér Lineage Holders, Ngak’chang Rinpoche and Khandro Déchen to follow.
16:00, please bring a packed lunch.  £25 donation requested

Sunday 7th May three practice sessions: 10:00 – 11:00 meditation and song, 11:30 – 12:30 Jong Dar, 13:00 – 15:00  tsog’khorlo ceremony. £5 donation per session requested

Please join us for all sessions, a single session, or any combination that suits you. 

£35 donation requested if attending all sessions Saturday and Sunday (£5 discount). All welcome.

Aro Ling Cardiff meets at 5 Court Close, Whitchurch, Cardiff, CF14 1JR. The practice room is on the ground floor with direct access from the street, and is wheelchair accessible.
All classes and groups are led by ordained Buddhists with many years of practice experience.

Donations are requested to cover costs, and so that Aro Ling Cardiff can make donations to the Buddhist charity, Sang-ngak-chö-dzong #1019886.

For fuller details of events at Aro Ling Cardiff, please visit

aro-ling.org/cardiff or meetup.com/arolingcardiff
07875 716644

Meditation group – beginners and experienced meditators welcome. Short periods of meditation are interspersed with yogic song and chant. Discover emptiness and self-awareness. For more information about meditation in the Aro gTér Nyingma tradition, please view the information page on MeetUp. 
The 10:00 session on the Sunday of the first weekend of the month follows the same format.

Jong Dar is a term that covers all the physical practices of the Aro Tradition of Vajrayana Buddhism. Each class is 1 hour. The session includes Ying’khor, sKu-mNyé, walking meditation, and standing meditation. The 25 Ying ’khor exercises involve subtle movement in a standing position. Some include visualisation of coloured light energy synchronised with the breath. A few involve sound as vocalised syllables. sKu-mNyé (thes’ is silent) in the Aro tradition is a system of 111 repetitive physical exercises which massage the spatial nerves of the subtle, energetic body – giving rise to extraordinary sensations. In these unusual sensations it is possible to find the presence of non-dual awareness—rigpa—momentary enlightenment. It offers a range of movements, from simple and gentle to demanding and vigorous – so there is something for everyone. All are welcome whatever age or level of fitness. A wonderful form of exercise that is refreshing and invigorating.

The charity of the Aro gTér Lineage in the UK is called ‘Sang-ngak-chö-dzong’ (UK charity number 1019886). This was the name given by Kyabjé Düd’jom Rinpoche. There are also other European charities connected with the Lineage, plus Aro Gar in the USA. Currently we are fund-raising to establish a residential retreat centre in Wales, which will be called ‘Drala Jong’. For information about this appeal, please see http://arobuddhism.org/drala-jong/drala-jong-appeal.html or go to the Drala Jong appeal blog.  

Extracts from Aro gTér Lineage publications appear once a week on a blog called Aro Quotation. If you would like to receive the Aro Quotations by email, please go to the blog and subscribe.

The Aro gTer Lineage also offers a free meditation course. The course is delivered in weekly emails.

20 March 2017

We Can Be Heroes, Every Day – Saturday April 1st – book now!

This day of teachings, led by Ngakma Nor’dzin and Ngakpa ’ö-Dzin, will explore methods of Awakening, and how to make the aspiration to Buddhahood a natural part of our everyday life. Learn how to be a decent human being – a kind neighbour, a considerate boss, a loving partner, an inspiring mother. Embrace the qualities of heroes: open and honest communication, dignity and honour, considerate behaviour, and creativity, joy and good humour.

We can all aspire to awaken and discover the Buddha within us.  Buddha means Awakened Being. So to aspire to Buddhahood is to become an Awakened Hero or Heroine. Through developing wisdom and compassion; through recognising their non-duality; it is possible to engage with the path of Awakening. 

Refreshments are provided for the morning tea break. Please bring a packed lunch.
A donation of £25 is requested for the day of teachings.
For enquiries about this event, please:
email: aro.ling.cardiff@gmail.com
text: 07875 716644
telephone: 07092 010756