07 June 2016

Aro Ling Cardiff has moved – June newsletter

Aro Ling Cardiff
has moved . . . 
There was a smooth transition from old venue to new on May 17th. All regular attendees agree that the new gompa is wonderful (see photos below), and greatly appreciate the addition of a tea break after Tuesday evening meditation. Do come and visit the new space soon. There will be an ‘official’ opening later in the year with a formal blessing ceremony by the Lineage Holders of the Aro gTér.

Weekly schedule
Tuesdays (all welcome without booking):

sKu-mNyé 10:30
Meditation & Song 12:00
Meditation Group 19:00 – 20:30

Monthly schedule: first weekend of the month
Meditation & yogic song   10:00 - 11:30 (all welcome without booking)
Tsog’khorlo practice   12:30 (attendance by prior arrangement only)
Dance   14:30 (all welcome without booking for Georgian and Tibetan folk dance)
One day retreats
will recommence in September

sKu-mNyé is a physical yoga practice. It offers a range of movements, from simple and gentle to demanding and vigorous – so there is something for everyone. All are welcome whatever age or level of fitness. A wonderful form of exercise that is refreshing and invigorating. Each class is 1 hour.

Meditation group and daytime meditation – beginners and experienced meditators welcome. Short periods of meditation are interspersed with yogic song and chant. Discover emptiness and self-awareness. 

Dance dancing embraces many qualities of natural heroism: considerate awareness of the other dancers, politeness and dignity, sensitivity and enjoyment, and light-hearted and wholehearted engagement with the pattern and movement of the dance. The focus will be on the dignity and formality of the dances of the Georgian period. Occasionally Tibetan folk dance will also be taught.

Aro Ling Cardiff meets at 5 Court Close, Whitchurch, Cardiff, CF14 1JR. The practice room is on the ground floor with direct access from the street, and is wheelchair accessible.

All classes and groups are led by ordained Buddhists with many years of practice experience.

Donations are requested to cover the costs of advertising, and so that Aro Ling Cardiff can make donations to the Buddhist charity, Sang-ngak-chö-dzong #1019886.

For fuller details of events at Aro Ling Cardiff, please visit

aro-ling.org/cardiff or meetup.com/arolingcardiff
or call
07875 716644

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