17 August 2023

Preparation for Dying - Battlecry of Freedom

There is a similarity between the experience of falling asleep, dreaming, and waking up, and the process of dying, bardo, and rebirth. It is extremely valuable, therefore, to gain experience of maintaining awareness through the process of falling asleep, dreaming, and waking. This is excellent preparation for dying. Practitioners can also become accustomed to dying through simply observing the death of each moment, the death of an event or activity, the death of a thought.

Battlecry of Freedom by Ngakma Nor’dzin, Aro Books worldwide, 2019, ISBN 978-1-898185-46-8 Part II - the slogans, p. 108/109

10 August 2023

The Bardo Body - Battlecry of Freedom

The process of falling into sleep is similar to falling into death. 

The psycho-physical elements dissolve in the same way – but in death the dissolution is complete and connection to the physical body is lost. The elements manifest, not as a dream body, but as a bardo body.

The bardo body experiences dreamlike phenomena until this also dissolves into emptiness, and the elements re-emerge to manifest as physicality in a new body. 

Just as in waking life and in dreaming, the five powers - confidence, energetic application, alert presence, meditative attention, and intelligent discernment - offer protection during bardo experience.

Battlecry of Freedom by Ngakma Nor’dzin, Aro Books worldwide, 2019, ISBN 978-1-898185-46-8 Part II - the slogans, p. 108

03 August 2023

Never switch off - Battlecry of Freedom

The Five powers—confidence, energetic application, alert presence, meditative attention, and intelligent discernment—are the foundation of awakening intent and activity. Practitioners do not indulge doubt in the teacher or the methods of practice. They are not lazy or slovenly in their approach to practice or with life circumstances. Practitioners do not take the easier and less demanding option that may disadvantage others. They are never satisfied with good enough or fail to fully engage with any activity. The riders of Mind Training never switch off, but always embrace responsibility for their own conduct, and the responsibility to help others.

Battlecry of Freedom by Ngakma Nor’dzin, Aro Books worldwide, 2019, ISBN 978-1-898185-46-8 Part II - the slogans, p. 107/108

02 August 2023

Slogan 35 - Battlecry of Freedom

Slogan 35 of ‘Battlecry of Freedom’ is now available to view on Aro Ling Cardiff’s YouTube channel: https://youtube/KiB48be8gCc

For live commentary on these slogans of Buddhist Mind Training, join us for Monday Meditations: 7 - 8:30 pm (UK time) on Zoom, Monday evenings.
Zoom Meeting ID: 85249620913
Passcode: 640389
Silent sitting and yogic song, finishing with a slogan from ‘Battlecry of Freedom’.
Everyone is welcome.

To see all videos with Ngakma Nor’dzin and Ngakpa ’ö-Dzin, go to:

Slogan 34 - Battlecry of Freedom

Slogan 34 of ‘Battlecry of Freedom’ is now available to view on Aro Ling Cardiff’s YouTube channel: https://youtube/KiB48be8gCc

For live commentary on these slogans of Buddhist Mind Training, join us for Monday Meditations: 7 - 8:30 pm (UK time) on Zoom, Monday evenings.
Zoom Meeting ID: 85249620913
Passcode: 640389
Silent sitting and yogic song, finishing with a slogan from ‘Battlecry of Freedom’.
Everyone is welcome.

To see all videos with Ngakma Nor’dzin and Ngakpa ’ö-Dzin, go to: