March has heralded a few organisational changes at Aro Ling Cardiff. In May we will be launching a series of Saturday morning 'tasters', and so have started opening on a Saturday morning from this month to accustom people to that as a possibility. Our new opening days are Wednesday, Thursday, Friday (approximately 10 - 5) and Saturday morning (approximately 10 - 1). We are no longer scheduling particular times for drop-in meditation. We are here and available whenever we are open. If you would like to practice meditation early in the morning, please phone us in advance and we will ensure that someone is there to meditate with you.
Please be patient with us if we are closed at a time that we would normally be open. Nor'dzin staffs Aro Ling Cardiff as a volunteer and has other responsibilities that sometimes mean she cannot be at the centre - such as being Buddhist Chaplain for Cardiff and the Vale Health Board. We are teaching on Vajra Romance in Vienna the weekend of 7 - 9 March and so Aro Ling will be closed during the day from Friday 7th until Thursday 12th. The meditation group will still be running on Tuesday 11th, hosted by Ngakma Ta'tsal Wangmo. Do come along.
Also new for March is the Aro Ling Cardiff reference library. It is small at the moment, but will grow over the next few months. Please call in to browse the books. Please call in any time. You are most welcome to use Aro Ling for private practice, as a quiet space, to study, or for a chat and a cup of tea. If you wish Nor'dzin to lead you in meditation practice, that will usually be possible. Don't forget that we also offer therapy: Reflexology, Tibetan Energy Balancing, and Relaxation and Self-healing.
We hope to see you at Aro Ling Cardiff very soon.
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