Practitioners can take on the blame for everything by understanding that they are the cause of others’ delusion. I own something that you like but cannot afford to own – therefore I am to blame for your unhappiness. This attitude makes it easy to give the item away – if that is appropriate. Let it go to the person who appreciates it.
I see that you are angry – I am to blame for being the object that created that response. This attitude prevents a protective response. It is possible to apologise and try to create a happier state of mind for the angry person. The focus on the unhappiness behind anger is the concern – rather than identification with a threat at being the object of anger. There is a wish for an end to unhappiness – whether it is personal unhappiness or someone else’s.
To be able to embrace the view of taking on the blame for anything and everything is the most extraordinarily powerful practice of awakening.
Battlecry of Freedom by Ngakma Nor’dzin, Aro Books worldwide, 2019, ISBN 978-1-898185-46-8, Part II - the slogans, p. 83+84

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